I Wish I Knew That…… (Running/Gym)

Hey hey hey!

There are things that I wish I would’ve known before I started running.  There are also a few things I wish I would’ve known before I started hitting the gym regularly.  Well, here is my Top 11 List of

‘I wish I knew that…’

I wish I knew that Body Glide existed.  Can I just say that I was running for a WHOLE YEAR and a HALF without Body Glide.  Once I discovered the secret to happy inner thighs, oh my WORD – I was and still am obsessed.  My runs are so much “smoother” now, literally.

I wish I knew that some people would think I was out-of-my-mind-crazy for waking up at 6 for a morning run.  Doesn’t the whole world love running?! Especially that early in the morning? Well, I at least thought so.

I wish I knew that Experia socks would be worth the 14 glorious dollars.  Six months into my running I was given a pair of Experia socks for Christmas, and goodness gracious I totally feel the difference when I run with “normal” socks as opposed to my running socks.

I wish I knew that I would have days where I wouldn’t enjoy my runs because I was physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually exhausted and that is okay.  Learn to embrace your imperfections, but push through them.  Battle them.  Overcome them!

I wish I knew that women could also utilize the cable machines at the gym.  I always saw guys on the cables and thought “Oh that area must be for dudes only…I’ll head to the butt machine.” WRONG.  Ladies, work yourself into the cables – you’ll love how it feels!

I wish I knew that the earphones my gym sells would not stand a chance against my buckets of sweat.  They fall out so easily! Save your $5 and put it towards buying a pair of Yurbuds – they are more expensive, but they will stay in even if you sweat a ton (like me).

I wish I knew that the treadmill would eventually hurt my knees.  If you can stay away from the ‘mill for long runs, please do! Get outside, breathe some polluted air, but don’t hurt your knees on the ‘mill!

I wish I knew that OCR existed! When I started running, I thought running only involved… straight runs.  I had no idea there was such a thing as obstacle course racing 😀 Let’s just say that I would pick an OCR event over shopping any day, hands down! And… I love shopping!

I wish I knew that Elf concealer works perfect for those runs/gym sessions where you want to cover dark circles, but you don’t want to cake on makeup.  Gross! A couple of dabs of the concealer does wonders. Plus, it’s only ONE dollar! A hundred pennies, people, a hundred pennies.

I wish I knew that HIIT was a “thing”. About a a year ago I started incorporating HIIT runs into my running plan and about six months ago I started HIIT cardio blasts at home.  I have been running/working out regularly for 2 years.  I missed a whole year of HIIT.  Don’t be afraid of the sweat, get your HIIT on!

I wish I knew that the running community is full of camaraderie.  Had I known sooner how nice and uplifting we people are, I would’ve joined this community much sooner! 🙂

That’s a fact, Jack.

Anyone else have any to add?  I can think of so many more, but I would have you reading off of your computer screen for HOURS. (I talk a lot if y’all haven’t noticed.)

Enjoy your Friday Eve!


40 thoughts on “I Wish I Knew That…… (Running/Gym)

  1. Great post! I wish I knew 5 years ago that running would heal my stupid foot instead of harm it further. Can’t believe that the initial problem could be fixed by the exact same thing that caused it!

    • On some days it takes every little bit out of me to get out of bed, but mind over matter! I like to think about how accomplished I will feel after, that helps me get a move on. 🙂

  2. Another sock you should try are Smartwool socks! They are crazy comfy! I won’t run in anything else. ever!! Even in 95 degree weather.

    • Hi there! Thanks for reading 🙂 When I was typing this up, I was nodding throughout the whole post. I re-read it and was like “Wow, if I only knew these things in the beginning!”. I saw that you re-posted this on your blog, thanks so much! You are my first “re-blog”. You should receive a virtual medal or something. 🙂 Thanks again!

    • I thought people who bought those socks were crazy for spending so much on ONE pair.. But I learned quickly that (like you said) the socks do make a big difference!

      Thanks for reading. 🙂 -Elizabeth

  3. Wish I knew that once I joined I would not stop, then maybe I would not have started! Aha but think of the fun I would have missed out on and the friends I would not have made!
    Ps great list

  4. I’ve only been running a few months, but I get up at 6am to do it, and I love it. Well, once I drag myself out of bed I love it. I tend to doubt my sanity when I first wake up.

    • Haha, welcome to the lovely crazy world of running! I’m happy that you are enjoying early morning runs – stick with it! Running early in the AM also boosts your metabolism, so that is a great ‘pro’. Thanks for commenting 🙂 – Elizabeth

  5. Hey, thanks for a really good post. Another little tip from a fellow chaving victim: Plain old Vaseline does the trick just as well as body glide, I think. But at a fraction of the cost.

    • Hi Sarah! Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog! I appreciate the tip, I’m going to pick up some Vaseline, you definitely get more for your buck! Thanks again 🙂 – Elizabeth

  6. Never heard of Yurbuds – going to have to give them a try. I have a hard time finding earphones that stay in my ears when I run/bike/workout, so usually have the lame ones with the padding and ear hooks. Totally look like a dork. Well, more of a dork. Also, I, too, only just learned of body glide!! I don’t run as much as I used to having switched over to cycling, but I need it for that sport too!

    • Hey! If I could put my name on Yurbuds and declare them the best, I would! I have always purchased $5-$10 earphones from Ross, but with the active lifestyle that you and I live.. It just didn’t work out because they were constantly falling out of my ears. Anyway, below is a link to one site with a few reviews.

      The Yurbuds that I own are the ones that wrap around the ears because I feel they are sturdy and definitely have no reason to fall out, but don’t worry they don’t look dorky! Well, and if they do… They look cool AND dorky haha. If you aren’t looking for the wrap around kind, they also sell earphones without that feature. Anyway, keep me updated! I’m curious if you end up enjoying them. 🙂

      Isn’t Body Glide amazing! Another reader just suggested Vasoline as an alternative. Choices choices choices!

      Thanks for checking out my blog, I appreciate it! – Elizabeth

  7. Where are you located to go running at 6AM? In winter, I am freezing after running or out getting a lot of exercise cuz when I sweat, I start to need cold meds to keep from getting a sore throat. I used to run all the time & now I am working to get back to that part of my life. I can do that some during the hot days & in summer mostly. Don’t know if you have read any of my other posts, but I have 1 on my accident that has brought me some good from not having any surgery after compressing a disc in my lower back & trying everything I can to get a lot of fiber & juices & amino acids to strengthen my whole body. I will think of some later that can help me run. Here is 1 I can think of: I use a lot of niacin or B3 vitamin to help me blast & sweat during my exercising times.

    • Rodney, running at 6 is cold for me also, but I get at it anyway. Some days it is difficult, but those runs always end up the best. I know how you feel – sore throats during running is an ugly feeling. I usually chew on gum to help keep my throat moist. I haven’t read the post regarding your accident, but I will have to read up on that!

      Thanks for reading!

      • I am sorry for a late reply, but went out yesterday & used the wheatgrass I had & helped me to keep going for the whole 2 hours walking fast from where I live to the library & back which was almost nonstop with about 4 pit-stops in between to open it & use it with juices. It worked well. thought I would share that with you.

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