I’m back

You know, it has been a couple of years since I have blogged. Life gets so crazy, and honestly… it feels nice to unplug from the digital world. In the past couple of years, so many things have happened (I am sure this is the same for everyone reading this)… how do you just be still in a world that is constantly moving/changing. I have realized that the act of being still is difficult – this is what I am unpacking tonight. So grab a hot chocolate, your cozy blanket and a dessert of some sort….. here we go.

I think to better understand what it means to “be still”, we need to define each word.

be – exist, quality, identity, nature, role

still – deep silence, calm, not moving, peace

If you are a Christian or if you are not, chances are you are familiar with the Bible verse that reads “Be still and know that I am God” – after all, it is on almost everyone’s Pinterest board and has now made it onto coffee mugs. But you know, I think we (I’m talking to myself right now) – often gloss over those words, the real meaning of the words. To “be” is to exist in whatever state you are currently in, and right now we are talking about existing in the next word “Still”… “silence, peacefulness, no movement”. You know how hard that is? It is almost impossible these days; however, the Lord gently reminds me to rest in Him, to allow my identity to BE that of calmness. To be calm and to have peace means that you have to trust that everything is going to work out. Y’all…I am not a super patient person. So when the Lord requires me to act out of obedience and live a life of stillness, wholly trusting Him – I freak out!

“God, you want me to trust You with every piece of me? What about my current situation? What about the fear? With my career? Coworkers? Family? Stressors of life? My relationships? Finances? Life passions?”


Y’all. Yes? Just like that? He longs for us to have faith in Him, to not allow doubt to rent a space in our minds/heart. Now, this doesn’t mean that we are given the green light to make poor decisions, no. This is a lifestyle that would allow Him to be Lord and Savior of our lives. To be the One who is driving the vehicle while we fully trust that He WILL work everything out, while we work out our faith – while we take God ordained steps.

So be still with Him. Learn how to sit and listen, worship, read the Word, thank Him, relax in His goodness, remember from where He brought you, count your blessings… and be still.

Talk to y’all soon! – EG




2015 is here!

Hello everyone!

Oh my goodness, it’s been SO LONG…I haven’t posted in some time; however, I do have full intention to get back into blogging. Life has been busy, as always – but I enjoy the busy lifestyle!

A few things have changed since the last time I posted…


I am a year older and wiser, of course

I have PRed my min./mile, finally!

I am attending a new church (new to me) and am enjoying the experience!

My hair is longer, which means.. more curly locks

I am no longer in a relationship (unless you count cupcakes)

I have been out of the gym/volleyball for a couple of months due to a volleyball injury to my thumbs. I just couldn’t dig this swing!

And I have been actively pursuing my love for photography.  Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed taking pictures, and well I have been out and about snapping photos! If y’all are interested… make sure you follow me over on Instagram – @lizabethgee.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are having an amazing New Year!



Fitness Apps to keep you sweating!

What’s going on y’all? I know we all hear about a ton of different fitness apps that are available, and we probably want to download every single one of them (at least, that’s how I am!).  I wanted to give y’all a look into the top apps that I use and really enjoy!


Runtastic – (free) I love that this app is clean and streamlined.  It looks crisp, and it is simple to use! Also, if you want to upgrade to Pro, it is only $5.  An inexpensive app that does a great job!

Strava – (free) Another running app.  Not only can you use it to track distance, but the app also offers different weekly/monthly challenges that you can take part of. You can also see the athletes who are around you, check their times and distances – great motivation and networking app!

Pact – (free download) This app is so neat! Okay, so you set a goal on the app + enter what you’ll pay other members if you don’t reach the goal.  So for instance you can set a goal to hit the gym 4 days a week, and if you don’t go then $10 is deducted from your account that week.  It really is an awesome app to keep you accountable! I mean, who wants to give away money? However, if you DO meet your goals you earn cash rewards!

Livestrong – (free) Perfect app to track your caloric goal.  This app shows your progress on a chart, plus it has a community forum.  I am a huge advocate for Livestrong because of what their company represents.  This is an app worth checking out for sure!

Fitness Point – (free) Ever get tired of trying to remember all of the workouts that exist to the human race? Well, this app aggregates every workout by muscle group and allows you to build and save your own workout!

Pump Up – (free) This app is extremely similar to Fitness Point, however Pump Up allows you to choose your goal (lose weight, get toned, etc.), fitness level (beginner, intermediate, advanced), duration, and other general factors to generate a workout that best suits you.

First Aid – (free) What if something happens to you or another friend while training? That is exactly why I have this app – just in case and for safety reasons.  Even if you are not working out, this is a smart app to download – free information is at your fingertips.  Head injury, Choking, Strain and Pains, Asthma Attack are just a few of the topics that are available First Aid Topics.

Luminosity – (free) Keep that brain strong! It is great to have a strong, healthy body but do not forget about that brain of yours.  Daily/weekly brain exercises are great to incorporate into your training routine…it’ll keep you sharp and on your toes! Luminosity covers: Memory, Attention, Flexibility, Speed and Problem Solving.  Stay healthy in all aspects of life!

Those are the top few apps that I frequent. Does anyone use these same apps? If not, what are other awesome apps that I should check out? You know what to do, comment down below!

Thanks for reading 🙂



XHIT Daily – A+++ Workout Videos

Hi y’all – so I came across a new found treasure! Oh my gosh, I was thrilled when I found this YouTube Channel.  I am always looking for new, fun ways to enjoy my workouts/gym sessions and this channel totally does that for me!


This is not going to be a super long post about XHIT Daily.. I really just want to share this with y’all because I have been super excited about their workouts since the first time I watched their videos.

So XHIT Daily is geared towards both the women fitness junkies and the women that are new to the fitness world.  They have videos that range from 5 to 18 minutes and these videos cover every muscle of your body PLUS they can be done in the comfort of your home! So we’re talking HIIT videos to videos that streamline a certain muscle group. One of the reasons why I instantly fell in love with this channel is because these are women, just like you and I who are choosing to live a healthier lifestyle.  I think it’s fabulous! Plus, I can not lie… the studio that they shoot in is gorgeous.  I love the set-up, the directing, I love the colors, their personalities – it really just all flows extremely well together and I find myself watching their videos over and over.  They are now my Go-To channel for any and all types of workouts.  Another neat aspect? They offer an e-newsletter that will give you up-to date info on the newest videos, what is happening behind the scenes, etc.  I’ll link the sign-up page down below, it’s super quick and easy to sign up and it’s totally free!

Check them out when you have a chance, and I pinky promise you – you will most certainly not be sorry!

Oh also, click around on their website – you’ll find a Tip of the Day, Bio’s of the hosts and so much more.  It really is an awesome site!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/XFitDaily

Website: http://watchxhit.com/


Thanks to XHIT Daily, I was inspired to create an outdoor set-up where I can workout to their videos!

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Short and Sweet post!


LUSH-fully amazing bathtime

Hey y’all! There are days after a workout/run or a long day where I just simply need to sit in the bath because I am way too lazy to stand up in the shower for 30 minutes (can I get a AMEN).  Bath time is pretty boring for me, unless I have LUSH products to add a little somethin’ somethin.  Keep on reading to find out how I add the “lush” factor to my baths.


So before we go on, I hope you all are doing fantastic and are having a great April so far! The weather is changing into springy…summery-ish type of weather, and although I am typically not the kind of girl to enjoy summer weather – because it gets to like upwards of 95 degrees here, I do however enjoy the 80 some odd degree weather.  I absolutely love love LOVE running in warm weather that has a bit of humidity – bring on the sweat!

Back to LUSH.  So I have been into LUSH for a few years already – ever since I was introduced to the products, I just couldn’t stop shopping there (shopaholic, much?). Plus their bags are super cute!

IMG_1220Lush is so awesome in that they do not do any testing on animals and their products are organic and handmade.  Honestly, you don’t even have to be into the whole “organic” thing to really enjoy their products, they definitely know what they are doing!


Plus the packaging within the HUGE shopping bag is again.. super cute! I actually love how the products are individually packaged because I am able to store them in my restroom as a decoration – I’m a total girl, I’m telling ya!


IMG_1218IMG_1219 And these are the products that I purchased.  To the left: Pink Bath Bomb, sweet vanilla is the primary scent; Tisty Tosty, smells like “new love”.. pure, sweet, rosy. (Both Bath Bombs)

To the right: MMM Melting Marshmallow Moment, which is made of marshmallow herb, cocoa butter and almond oil – delicious! (Bath Melt)

I’ll place a link for all three below. 🙂


 As for the instructions? Totally and completely easy! First, fill up your bath with warm/hot water… unless you care for cold baths, in which case… go for it! Choose your Bath Bomb.  You can see which one I chose for this time around.  Place the Bath bomb in your bath, while you’re in it of course.


And you’re SET, let the Bath Bomb do it’s thing.  You’ll see something similar to this happening in your bath; you’ll also wanna keep your ears open for the “fizzing” sound, it’s so cool.  Sorry for the bad lighting!


Now all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the scent and feeling of your bath.  Honestly, Bath Bombs add such a cool element to your water! I get so excited after I buy a few Bombs, because I KNOW that the next few baths are going to definitely feel amazing!

Links to the Bath Bombs pictured above:

Pink Bath Bomb: http://www.lushusa.com/Pink-Bath-Bomb/03052,en_US,pd.html#start=15

Tisty Tosty: http://www.lushusa.com/Tisty-Tosty/00013,en_US,pd.html#start=18

MMM Melting Marshmallow Moment: http://www.lushusa.com/MMM-Melting-Marshmallow-Moment/02155,en_US,pd.html#start=3


Hope y’all enjoyed this read!! Oh and if you love LUSH or are thinking about buying any – let me know which ones you have in mind, I am due for another LUSH visit.


Here is to you. You sweaty, tough fitness friends!


This is for you.. You deserve it.

Here is to…

Clean eating, saying no to junk food, french fries, pizza.  Healthy lifestyle.  Expensive health conscious groceries. Protein/Energy Bars, ALOT of water, hydration packs, Sacrifice. Experia socks, running shoes, trail shoes, road shoes, weight training shoes. NEW running shoes every 300 miles. 6 am alarms, 6 am wake up calls, 6 am wake up texts.  7 am runs.  Runs in the cold.  Runs in the heat.  Runs in the humidity.  Being called crazy because you’re running in 30 degree weather.  Overstuffed closet of training clothes.  Sweat.  alot of it.  Determination, perseverance, drive, willpower, desires, goals.  Proving people wrong.  No excuses. Feeling sore.  Sore legs, sore butt, sore arms, sore calves, sore feet, sore everything.  Downloading fitness apps.  Actually using those apps. Researching new ways to improve. Improvement.  Beast Mode. Runner’s high.  or.  high intensity interval training.  New challenges.  Late night gym sessions.  Smelly shoes, smelly armpits, just smelly.  Gym time after work. Making the gym a date night.  Tears, frustrations, and change.  Pains, back aches, knee aches, head aches.  Sweat on leather seats, YOUR leather car seats.  Making an impact.  Smiling at a stranger while you run.  Overpriced race entries.  Mind over matter. YouTube motivational videos. Workout playlists. Not stopping until you’re done.  Giving it your all.  Workout partners.  Running Partners.  Defying laziness.  Your haters. Recovery runs.  Over-abundance of fitspirational quotes. Being called a fitness nut. Chicken breast, tuna, fish.  Fitness blogs, sweaty yoga mats, loud music. Fitness journals.  The scale.  The will to do more, to want more.  Here is to you.  To you who never quit given your current circumstance.

Sweaty High Five to you my friends and keep it up!!


Suprise Suprise – Oh Luck of the Irish!


Hey folks,

I like to think that some of y’all wondered where I disappeared to… Well, this post will explain a bit of it.  I really missed blogging; I am definitely back.  My fingers are rested and they are SO ready to type away.  Get ready for more fitness and fashion, because it is totally happening!

I hope you all have been doing well, I also hope the Luck of the Irish has found you today and even though I don’t quite believe in “luck”, I do believe in blessings – so here is to continued blessings in 2014! The start of my year was horrible.  I am not saying that to receive apologies and sentiments, but in all honesty it was BAD.  At the start of the New Year I was diagnosed with herpangina.  I won’t go into great detail here, but if you are curious about what had me out of commission for almost a month then I’ll have a link down below. Basically, I couldn’t talk, eat or leave my room throughout that time (because I was contagious).  There were roughly 11 canker sores in my mouth/throat.  I was strictly on a liquid diet, and that was when I wanted to drink… I tried to go as long as I could without drinking anything because the pain to swallow was excruciating.  I was so weak that I couldn’t crack a smile, and when I tried.. my mouth hurt so much.  Well that all cleared up thank GOD! Then a week later……I was playing outdoor volleyball and my boyfriend’s dog went full force toward the volleyball that I was serving and sunk one of his teeth into my right wrist. I couldn’t use my hand for about 3 weeks to a month because I had no strength in my thumb, pointer and middle finger.  That was an interesting month considering I am RIGHT handed.  Then during that time I realized that one of my nails was falling off (due to a sore that came with having herpangina).  I mean, it didn’t hurt, but goodness gracious! Now that all of that is in the past, I can finally blog with a clear mind.  For a while there, I wasn’t the happiest camper, but thank the Lord for my family and boyfriend who were all so encouraging throughout the start of the year.   Because of the virus, I hadn’t worked out or ran in about a month and a half.  When I tried to run, I was so out of breath and super weak and that was only at Mile 1.. I guess my body was still trying to recover from all of that nonsense.  I have gone on a few runs in the past month and definitely need to get back to where I was before I got sick, but I am ready for the challenge! Also, I just got back from the gym and noticed that my regular squat weight was feeling heavier than before.  Well, things happen for a reason right!

I will say that… I was able to see how others live life.  Others who may not have the ability to speak or eat… others who may only have one arm/hand that functions.  I can honestly and wholeheartedly say that I have so much more respect for people who live life positively even though their situations may not be “positive”.  So to all of you who are going through struggles, you will get through it! Stay positive and surround yourself with people who love and cherish you.

I had no intention for this post to end like a Hallmark card… BUT, hey if the shoe fits! Please leave comments below if anyone has any questions or if anyone just wants to comment. 🙂

Thanks for reading – talk to y’all soon!


To read more about Herpangina click below!


New Year, New Healthy You – Tips for Success!


I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Now, it’s time for New Years.  Oh and those New Years resolutions are definitely going to hog up your emotions for the first 30ish days, until you realize that the guy sitting across from you (or the girl) at your Valentine’s Day dinner date loves you for who you are.  A couple that stays fit together, stays together.  Don’t pass this read up!

So as you all have probably realized, I am a huge fan of generating lists.  Lists come in handy throughout my personal life, insomuch that I have always had to keep a planner of some sort and if I don’t have my planner on me, you can betcha that my Notes section on my iPhone is getting a pretty strenuous workout.

It is so easy to tell all of your friends on Facebook or Twitter how you are going to be a “New You in 2014”, but how easy is it to stick with your resolution… for life (and to continue progressing)? I am not going to lie, it is difficult to make a lifestyle change – but anything worth having never comes easy.  This isn’t an exception.  You are going to want to give up.  You are going to want to snack on cookies instead of fruit.  You are going to make excuses about meeting up with your friend for a fitness class.  You are going to get comfortable.  This is all fine and dandy, just don’t let THAT become a lifestyle.

Here are a few ways to keep you excited and living a healthy lifestyle starting in 2014, and lasting to infinity and beyond. P.S. I love Toy Story.

1) Tell a couple of your closest friends what your plan is, you are going to need to be held accountable.  The naggier the friends, the better (in this case). There is power in numbers.

2) Register for a fitness bootcamp.  Groupon and Livingsocial are two of the best places to find discounted classes/bootcamps.  Nothing is more of a motivation than to know that if you don’t show up to these classes, you just wasted money.

3) Give yourself a short term goal.  For instance, I tell myself that I cannot purchase a new blouse or workout shirt unless I hit the gym or run at least 4 times a week.  I love shopping, so this keeps me in line! No-one is perfect.. let’s just say that two weeks ago, I didn’t purchase any new pieces of wardrobe for me.  Oops!

4) If you are in a relationship or just dating, why not make the gym a date night? Sure you’re going to sweat, but hey make fitness and living a healthier life one of the foundations for your relationship. I enjoy going to the gym with the mister that I am dating.  He goes to the gym on his own, but when we have a chance – we go together.  There have been times when I don’t want to finish my pull-ups, but he’s there motivating me.  I end up finishing my reps! If you are reading, THANKYOU!


5) If you don’t want to hit the gym with your significant other quite yet, there are still many other ways to stay in shape together.  Go for a hike, take a walk down a historical part of your city/town, and bike-riding makes for a cute date, yet it keeps you away from vegging out at his/her apartment with a Redbox and loads of snackage.

6) There are days when i don’t feel like working out and when that happens.. I go straight to Pinterest and search for workout quotes. For you guys that don’t Pinterest, I’d open up YouTube and start searching for motivational videos.  This helps me SO SO SO much.  After a few minutes of reading motivational quotes, I am pumped up to get my sweat on!


7) Surround yourself with people who are like-minded.  Don’t throw the duece to your friends who don’t have a desire to workout, but most definitely connect with a few people that share your interests.  You will need someone that is aiming for the same goal so he/she can be excited with you, and you for them.  Positive Peer Pressure people! Meetup.com always has a ton of groups for fitness lovers of all ages and levels!

8) This is going to somewhat piggyback off of Number 7… but, recruit a friend to start this journey with you.  When I first started working out I had a workout buddy, and looking back it absolutely helped me stay motivated to hit the gym. Make it a habit not to cancel on your gym buddy, and you’ll be a New You in no time!

9) Set a workout background on your phone.  If you need that quick motivation, but don’t have time to Pinterest because you’re at work – take a glance at your phone and voila INSTANT fitness motivation! If you lovebugs don’t want to switch your background from your girl/guy, then I would suggest setting an alarm for your drive home from work – “Don’t miss your sweat session today!!”.  One alarm never works for me, so I have four set. 😉


10) Eat that Oreo cookie, piece of cake, slice of pizza, etc.  Satisfy your cravings, and don’t beat yourself over the head for it.  Don’t throw your clean eating out of the window, but allow your body one cheat day a week, and maybe have a pastry/coke once a week.  That is exactly how I started, and now January 9th, 2014 I will have completed ONE year without having soda!! …..I can’t wait to have a sip of Pepsi, mmmm!

11) Buy up-beat music on Itumes, purchase a good pair of earphones and put in work! Here is a snapshot of a few of my workout songs.


12) Do it for YOU.  Do it to be healthier for YOU, to look lean, to feel better – do whatever you are setting your goal at for YOU.  There are going to be moments when you may not have anyone willing to go out for a run, workout or even eat clean with, this is when it is all going to depend on YOU and YOUR self motivation.  This is the time for all you stubborn people (like myself) to get some added practice in.

These are things that I put into practice when I first started working out, and continue to live by daily! It is definitely a process, but living a healthy lifestyle feels so good! The best payoff (for me anyway) is knowing that I have impacted friends of mine to engage in running or workout out.  You can absolutely do the same.  Start with you, and share the love!

How did y’all stay motivated in 2013? Let me know in the comments below, I am always in needed of any and all motivation!

I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year! May you all be blessed – emotionally, physically, mentally and financially. 


Runner’s/Fitness Junkies Christmas Wish List

So let’s just say that you have NO idea what to buy for that specific person who adores fitness like it’s noone’s business! What if the person you are dating is a runner, and you like lifting things up and putting them down? You’re gonna wanna check out this Wish List 🙂


Race Entries – if you are looking to buy a runner a gift, or even someone who has shown the slightest interest in participating in a run.. this would be a pretty legit gift! Maybe pair it with another item on the list and you’re good to go – that person is going to love you forever! There are a ton of different runs and obstacle courses of different length and difficulty.  I would suggest a Graffiti Run, Foam Run, Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, and Electric Run, etc.  Like I said there are plenty of events to choose from – Google is your best friend!

Headphones – anyone can always use a new pair of headphones, even if they just bought a pair.. no one complains about having a backup, because let’s just face it – we all tend to lose headphones… at least I know I lose headphones alot! Here are the ones that I am currently rocking, I love them because they don’t fall out when I run or workout! Yurbuds, for the win – http://yurbuds.com/products/behind-the-ear/focus-pro/

Itunes Giftcard – I know gift cards are frowned upon, but whether you are a gym fanatic, runner, Zumba-er, Crossfit-er, swimmer, etc.. we all listen to music every now and again.  Honestly, music is what tends to keep me going when I’m exhausted from a major gym workout, and still need to knock out a few miles.  Any increment will do, but keep in mind that some songs are about $1.29!

Shoes – This is more for the couples or friendships that have stood the test of time and know shoe sizes and brands that your Christmas gift receiver enjoys wearing.  Not to mention, shoes are difficult to purchase because everyone has a different arch. If you know all of the above for whoever you are buying for, then get on out there and pick them up some new shoes! If you don’t know those things, but would still like to purchase new shoes for someone – I would go with Brooks for running and Reebok for weightlifting. Vibrams have also been an “in” kind of thing for a while, and they would be a fun kind of minimalist shoe to have in the closet! Brooks has a nifty tool called the Brooks Advisor which helps you pick out a pair of shoes that best fits your lifestyle – http://www.brooksrunning.com/on/demandware.static/Sites-BrooksRunning-Site/Sites-BrooksRunning-Library/default/brooks_shoe_advisor/Default.htm.  Here is the Reebok weightlifting line that I recommend – http://shop.reebok.com/us/crossfit/_/N-1z12xfw?cm_mmc=RbkSEM_bing_ecom-_-CrossFit+-+TSF-_-Branded+CrossFit-_-Reebok&cm_mmca1=US&cm_mmca2=e.  

New Water Bottle/Hydration Belt – Hydration is totally important for any type of workout.  Just like headphones, I lose water bottles left and right… so you really can’t have too many water bottles or hydration belts.  If you want to add a little something along with this gift, you can always pair it with electrolyte tablets.  Nuun Tablets are my first choice.  Check out FuelBelt – http://www.fuelbelt.com/

Starbucks Gift Card – We all try to live a healthy lifestyle, but if you were to tell me that you never ever eeeever go to Starbucks… I’d want your autograph! We all have cheat days, and what better way than to cheat with a frapp or hot drink and a pastry from Starbucks.

Running Jacket with Pockets – This is a staple item for any runner.  Even if you have seen your runner with a couple of running jackets, another one is not going to hurt that person. Plus, what happens when we forget to wash the jackets that we already own? Well… gross or not – we end up wearing the jacket over and over again.  Please add to our wardrobe collection. 🙂

Gym Bag – I own two gym bags which I received within a month of each other and they both work out great for different purposes and trips.  Gym bags that have a shoe compartment is what you are looking for – it keeps the stink and nastiness of a running or workout shoe confined to one area and in doing so… your clothes won’t stink up! Score!

GPS Running Watch – This is a pricier item, which can probably stand alone as a Christmas gift.  I know there are a ton of different GPS watches available, but I have provided a link to the Garmin 620 which has outstanding reviews! If you aren’t purchasing a watch for a runner, why not check out the FitBit or Nike Fuel.  These two are great for the fitness junkie who spends their time sweating it up at the local Box or community gym.  http://www.dcrainmaker.com/2011/04/garmin-forerunner-610-in-depth-review.html

Compression Sleeves – Most definitely are geared towards runners.  I don’t personally wear sleeves, but I do hear that they work wonders for for legs and calves during a run.  If you are going to purchase sleeves for anyone, I would definitely purchase a black pair because black is extremely universal.  No zebra prints, unless the person you are buying for is in love with zebras!

Two Month Entry to a Fitness Bootcamp – What better way to start the New Year then to start off living a healthy lifestyle. I highly suggest this gift, because you can buy one for someone else and also buy it for you.  It makes for a great date, I would think! I’ve never turned it into a date before, but I would imagine that this would be a great experience for two people.  It would also make for a perfect hangout between gym buddies or girlfriends! After you complete your bootcamp, why not grab a drink from Starbucks with that gift card?

I hope this list helped someone out there. 🙂 Happy Shopping and Merry Almost Christmas!


Operation Comfort for Wounded Warriors 5k, Bike Ride, BBQ, Car Show

Hey y’all! I ran the Honor Run and Ride – Operation Comfort for Wounded Warriors 5k on December 1, and as you can tell I am a little behind on typing up a review, but better late than never right? This run was put on by Purnell Racing and proceeds raised are being used to send a Veteran back to Vietnam to enjoy the country without being shot at.  If anything warms my heart, it is people, organizations, and events that support our American troops and stand behind them! I have a good amount of military influence in my family, and plenty of friends that are near and dear to my heart which serve in our military. They all play a vital role in my being so patriotic. I just could not pass up this opportunity!

Like I said, the event was at Ladybird Johnson Park on December 1st which is a great way to kick off December! It was at 10 AM, and I arrived at 9:30 which again was plenty of time for me to get registered and do a few leg warm ups.


I looked around and absolutely loved what I saw..there were runners, walkers and hand cyclists who all joined together for one wonderful cause.



Check her out – she even came ready to skate her way through the course!


The run started and we were off, I ended up passing a few people and for the majority of the run, I found myself right behind or right in front of these two runners.  Positive peer pressure!


This guy was not far behind, he was pretty much next to me the whole time which I thought was extremely neat! I felt honored. 🙂 Watching him handcycle really put things into perspective for me – he completed the exact same event that I registered for, and he was all smiles and had such a great demeanor! I really couldn’t complain that I had a slight headache.


I finished in about 28 minutes, I believe! Or was it 27 and some change.  Either way, I finished sub 30!

I felt the course was beautiful.  It was my first time running this particular park and I have to say I enjoyed every bit of the course! It was a paved and winding course throughout the park with foliage on both sides of the paved route.  At one point the course led us out of the park, across an access road, under a highway bridge and looped back around.  Was I worried about safety? Not one bit because there were police blocking/directing traffic as we ran across the access road and back again.  The check-in process was quick and simple AND in addition to that.. the greatest thing about this race was that so many different people, with different stories, lifestyles, hobbies.. we were all there to support one extremely honorable cause.  I LOVED seeing people fuse together in the way that we did that one day in honor of those who have fused together overseas and stateside for us every day.  Thank YOU for serving!

The 5k came full force with a Bike Ride, BBQ and Car Show.  So after we completed the run, we checked out the other events.




I am SUPER happy that I participated in this run! It was fun, humbling and such an incredible experience! I can’t wait for the next Operation Comfort Run. As every day people, sometimes we feel like we can’t do much for our military men and women, past and present, but there are ways of touching lives – even if you think it’s miniscule, to someone it may be the world!

Thank you all for reading and I hope y’all are doing fantastic! Down here in Texas, we are experiencing coooold weather, at least we aren’t used to 30 and 40 degree weather.  Stay warm wherever you are, and keep on smiling!


P.S.  If you would like to check out Operation Comfort – here is their website operationcomfort.org.

and if you would like to read into Johnny Purnell of Purnell Racing – here is a short bio of his military experience http://operationcomfort.org/john-allen-purnell/.